Helpful Hints


















last update 05/04/05

Planning and Preparing for Your Move

Place a protective cover (plastic sheeting, tarp, pallets, or 2 x 4 boards) on the storage unit floor, under your goods, to avoid moisture damage from the naturally occurring condensation on the concrete during prolonged periods of rain or high humidity.

Make an inventory of all items in storage and store it in a safe place at home or in a safe deposit box.

Place items that you may need to access often in the front and allow for walkways so you can access all items.

Packing and Storing Your Property

Place TV's, VCRs, and other valuable electronics toward rear of unit

Wrap dishes and glasses in paper and pack in sturdy boxes. Stack them on top.

Wrap pictures and mirrors in cardboard marked “FRAGILE” and stack them on end.

Use larger appliances as “packing cases” for blankets, towels, tablecloths, and clothes.

Store shovels, hoes, rakes, and hoses together in empty trash cans. Stack extra cans inside one another.

Disassemble tables with removable legs to save space.

Store sofas and love seats on end to save floor space, but place a protective cover between the item and the floor. Wrap cushions in plastic and place on top.

Store blankets, pillows, stuffed animals or anything that could be used as bedding for rodents, in plastic totes.

Protecting Your Property

Do not store anything COMBUSTIBLE (i.e., paint thinner, gasoline, solvents, paint, etc.).

Use rodent control measures (i.e. mouse poison, traps, mothballs) within your unit. ACME Storage contracts rodent control professionals for the building exterior, but that may not prevent damage to items inside the unit. To further minimize rodent problems, do not store food or food items.

Use a good quality lock on your door. Low quality locks are easily cut or broken and therefore do not provide good security.

Insure your property. Contact your insurance company, or ask ACME Storage about third party insurance availability.

Keep your unit and gate PIN number confidential! In most reported cases of criminal activity, the criminal is associated in some way with the victim! 


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